
Saturday 31 August 2013

Panasonic Prepare Giants Super Slim Tablet - After last January made ​​a CES 2013 stunned the visitors with a 20-inch tablet, Panasonic seems to have prepared an updated version of the giant tablet.

This latest version of the giant tablet is claimed as the thinnest and lightest tablet giant in its class and has supported 4K imaging technology. Panasonic tablet is scheduled to be introduced at the IFA Trade Show next month. Similarly, as reported by Digital Spy.

Giant tablet on display at CES itself carries the WIndows OS 8, with a 1.8GHz processor Intel vPro i5 3427U, plus Nvidia GeForce graphics card. Capacity storage media itself provided 4GB.

Panasonic's own design giant tablet instead of paper, but with the weight of the tablet is held, is not expected in accordance with its original purpose. This latest version of the giant tablet itself will be equipped with OLED display technology with a resolution of 2160 × 3840 pixels.

editor: YL.antamaputra

Recommend Rovio Angry Birds Go Through Trailer - The fans of the game made Rovio, Angry Birds will welcome the presence of the latest game is famous through the mobile platform. Through a trailer, Rovio Angry Birds officially introduced the Go, a game based on Angry Birds, but with racing or racing shootout mode.

This racing game itself, according to Kalle Kaivola of Rovio created based on inspiration from the Red Bull Soapbox race. Before deciding to choose the theme, the Rovio has also tested several other racing theme.

"We have tried many models of racing games up., And saw some of them more successful than others. We had tried the game run without stopping, but the trial did not show the results. A friend of ours from Red Bull came to help and offer this concept and we are very interested. "Kalle said, as reported by Digital Spy.

Angry Birds Go by Kalle himself is currently still being developed, however, Kalle party promised Rovio will soon make an announcement related to the launch of the official and festive Angry Birds Go. Rovio itself some time ago announced it would release a sequel to Angry Birds Star Wars.

editor: YL.antamaputra.

Friday 30 August 2013

Dim career, Clint Eastwood sued be vorce Wife - Los Angeles - Age is no longer young, did not make the husband - wife (couples) this one mahligai defend marriage.

Actor Trouble With the Curve, Clint Eastwood (83) having a bit of trouble with her ​​marriage. This one Hollywood legend and his wife, Dina Eastwood - who is 17 years younger than he had demanded to split.

It has been reported by Us Weekly. But when Eonline confirm it, the Oscar-winning manager, Leonard Hirshan, said, if he did not know anything about it.

The legend says farewell Clint and his wife, because Clint is increasingly fading career in Hollywood acting world. Moreover, he does not have a press agent to publish his career at this time.

Sources close to Clint said, that the spouses have lived apart for some time. Clint and Dina (48) yourself, married in March 1996 and blessed with a daughter, Morgan - 9 months later.

Dina is a former TV news anchor and reality series titled Mrs. Eastwood & Company in 2012.

F4510 Samsung SmartTV, Faster Closer - After the success of previous SmartTV series, Samsung in the near future will launch the latest series of the Samsung SmartTV F4510 SmartTV. Designed for entry-level class, the Samsung F4510 SmartTV provides TV viewing experience has never forgotten the completeness of its range.

Comes with a size 32-inch (1366 x 768 resolution), Samsung SmartTV F4510 carries dual core processor that makes watching TV while opening an application go faster. Not only that with this processor, the Samsung F4510 can donwload the owner of two applications simultaneously, while opening another application. Samsung F4510 Recent History also provides features, make it easier for those who use the tv to surf in cyberspace.

Elegant design and super-slim bezel, ease of watching TV is also more complete with the presence, Smart Hub, with 3 panels that are easy to use. Smart Hub consists of panels Social, Apps, and Photos, Videos & Music. Wherein each panel has functions that support day-to-day needs of its users.

F4510 in Samsung SmartTV, Samsung provides a new algorithm for color to. Not only that, with Samsung's Wide Colour Enhancer Plus to make the color more detail and brighter images. Convergence feature that allows the owners of F4510 Samsung SmartTV to connect to other devices such as tablets and smartphones.

This feature also allows the owner of the Samsung F4510 SmartTV to show videos, photos, and music from their gadgets to the big screen in the Samsung F4510 SmartTV. By using Smart View on Smartphone application, and connect to wifi, users can view live TV in his house, without having in front of the TV.

Fergie & Josh Duhamel endowed Baby Boys - Los Angeles - Fergie finally gave birth to her first baby from her marriage to Josh Duhamel, on August 29, 2013 local time.

To gossip website tmz, Fergie stated times when her baby is very sweet and took it as a complete mother, because she had just given birth to a boy.

Interestingly, he named the son of big-name vocalist Guns' N Roses, Axl Rose. Fergie said, when the child's full name is Axl Jack Duhamel.

Axl was born healthy this morning, weighing 7 pounds 10 ounces (3.45 kg). Fergie undergoing cesarean procedure in LA Hospital, and now he is recovering condition.

38-year-old singer was staying at one of the famous VIP Suite - which is also used by celebrities, such as Kim Kardashian and Dwight Howard.

Regarding the name, Fergie admitted that this had been planned. So, do not feel like a coincidence. Incidentally also, Fergie was long since Axl Rose enthusiasts.

Fergie at the moment remembering his son, as well as considering the performance of Guns 'N Roses hit Sweet Child while singing O' Mine in the year 2011, at the Super Bowl halftime show

Support APEC, XL Prepare Network in Bali - Denpasar - To support the implementation of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) in Bali, October 1 to 8, 2013, PT XL Axiata Tbk (XL) has prepared an adequate cellular telecommunications networks.

"We expect the participants will need a good telecommunications services, including Internet access and data services. Therefore we hope to provide maximum support for network quality considering the importance of this event," said VP East Region XL, Titus Dondi, in a release received Centroone . com

For the Nusa Dua area that became the venue, said Titus, XL include additional coverage, especially in a new hotel that will be used to APEC.

Currently, XL network in Nusa Dua area has full 3G with a large enough capacity. Number of base stations in the Nusa Dua area consists of 45 BTS 2G and 3G base stations 51, ​​which also shows the seriousness XL serve data communications. The entire site in this area has also been modernized.

XL also increase the capacity of 2G and 3G networks that already exist, as well as increase the transmission capacity in the area of ​​Nusa Dua.

Biadab, Balita Pun Dicabuli

MUNTOK---Petugas Kepolisian Resor Bangka Barat, Kepulauan Bangka Belitung, terus mendalami kasus pencabulan anak di bawah umur yang dilakukan tersangka Pr (56), warga Kampung Kebun Nanas. "Kami sudah menahan tersangka untuk dimintai keterangan lebih lanjut terkait laporan yang dilakukan Seis bin Tanijan," ujar Kapolres Bangka Barat AKBP Djoko Purnomo melalui Kasat Reskrim Iptu Johan Wahyudi.
Ia menjelaskan, pengembangan kasus terus dilakukan agar bisa menemui titik terang tentang dugaan pencabulan anak usia lima tahun yang dilakukan tersangka beberapa hari lalu. Hal ini diungkapkan Kapolres menindaklanjuti laporan yang dilakukan Seis (52), warga Kampung Kebun Nanas, Kelurahan Sungai Daeng, Kecamatan Muntok pada Rabu (28/8) sekitar pukul 09.55 WIB. "Seis datang ke Mapolres untuk melaporkan tindak pidana pencabulan yang menimpa Nn (5) anak warga Kampung Kebun Nanas," katanya.
Perempuan itu, kata dia, melaporkan tersangka Pr, warga Kampung Kebun Nanas, Kecamatan Muntok, karena diduga melakukan tindakan tidak asusila terhadap Nn. Menurut data pada laporan yang diajukan Seis, lanjut Djoko, tersangka melakukan tindakan pencabulan terhadap korban pada Rabu (14/8) sekitar pukul 19.30 WIB di rumah korban.
Ia menerangkan, pada hari itu, pelaku mendatangi korban dan langsung melucuti pakaian korban dan langsung melakukan perbuatan tidak senonoh terhadap korban. "Akibat perbuatan tersangka itu, korban mengalami luka sobek pada alat vitalnya, selain itu, korban juga mengalami trauma jika melihat tersangka," tambahnya.