
Saturday 24 August 2013

Just shoot Sandra Challenged Children Snots - Jakarta - Success with soap opera 'Angel Princess', a beautiful artist Sandra Dewi returned challenged compete acting.

Where, this time co-star is a newcomer to the child star who played with him in the soap opera entitled 'Tiny Hands', production SinemArt Picture.

According to Sandra, filming with children from six months he has been accustomed to acting with them. In fact, Sandra admitted almost every day from Monday to Sunday, he was always with them on the set.

"Frankly equal than family, more time with the children on the set. So, I've got a kayak can ngerasain child is like," said Sandra, Friday (23/8), in the event halal bi halal soap opera 'Hand-Tiny hands', in Studio Persari Jagakarsa, South Jakarta.

However, the time constraints of filming with the kids definitely just met. He said, in addition to have to be patient - it slowly on the set he started to feel like a mother to them.

"Because the children's moody, yes. Their second year is getting naughty.'s Why I said if you can not act mending home," said Sandra.

But, said Sandra, for 6 months filming at the snot-nosed children, Sandra felt salute.

"They had a lot of progress. Fact, it can act to cry," said Sandra.

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